13. februára 2006 4:36:08 CET
The discussion on urine drinking led me to search the net for Urine Therapy, and it seems to be the panacea for whatever ails us. Do yourselph a favor and spend a few minutes researching the sites you find. If you're as amazed as I was, you'll do like I did, and "drink from your own cistern" often and deeply.
10. decembra 2006 20:04:07 CET
I have been toilet training slaves for years and have a stable of very devoted piss whores who have always been in the fittest of health.
I think that the safety of watersports like so many areas of BDSM is all down to careful choice of your Mistress
10. decembra 2006 3:05:03 CET
I think, it is not unsusual to drink own pee. Look at some amateur sites. They do it very often.
15. mája 2006 0:48:02 CEST
If the donor, The Mistress is healthy there is usually not a problem. i have consumed GALLONS of my former g/f's pee and it was always well given and well received. When we travelled in the car She always had things to pee into in the car then made me drink it. Sometimes accompanied with a bare ass beating bent over the hood of the car if in a secluded area, which was often.
I also licked her unwiped anus clean in the morning before work, also without a problem. Many Women absolutely love this power they have over us, and of course, many of us live for this lifesytle in a loving but very kinky relationship. I was once trapped with these very strong feelings but have done something about finding a wonderfully sadistic and dominant Woman who adores Her power over me. Pussy power is alive and well.
20. marca 2006 17:36:25 CET
Okay - ich duerfte es etwas ueberinterpretiert haben. Aber ich kann (konnte) mir einfach nicht vorstellen, dass man jemanden zu Fuessen liegt ohne mit dieser Person eine Beziehung einzugehen. Sorry
20. marca 2006 10:24:27 CET
Hi Heelslover,
ich glaube, du hast meine Beiträge nicht richtig gelesen !? Wer redet hier von einer Beziehung zu meiner Schwester ? Bitte nicht mehr reininterpretieren als geschrieben steht ! Deine Wortwahl ist auch zu überdenken (Stichwort: Fairer Umgang mit anderen Forumteilnehmern).
17. marca 2006 0:23:51 CET
Du bist krank, einfach krank. Nicht, dass Du Deine eigene Pisse trinkst... tue, was Du nicht lassen kannst. Aber mit der Schwester eine Beziehung eingegangen zu sein und dies noch oeffentlich darzulegen zeugt davon, dass Du ein Fall fuer den Psychiater bist.
16. marca 2006 21:56:54 CET
one day I wanted to know, if I can drink my own pee and how I feel. I think, it is not bad. I can drink it without bigger problems. I have fun drinking it. But I didn`t ever drink the pee of a woman, because my divine domme sister is only my shoegoddess, not more. My girlfriend is not interested in sm and fetish. That`s live.
Dont wory your own pee will not cause any problem to your health.Btw there is no difference between yours and women.Both hot and salty sometimes cahnges its taste what we eat
try it
15. marca 2006 23:27:02 CET
one day I wanted to know, if I can drink my own pee and how I feel. I think, it is not bad. I can drink it without bigger problems. I have fun drinking it. But I didn`t ever drink the pee of a woman, because my divine domme sister is only my shoegoddess, not more. My girlfriend is not interested in sm and fetish. That`s live.
1. marca 2006 10:33:21 CET
Does any of you know any websites where I can find lots of spitting pictures? (sorry that I post it in this thread :) )
13. februára 2006 6:29:04 CET
It may be healthy, or at least may not be unhealthy but thanx, I don't feel like drinking my own urine. I could probably drink my gf's or some domin's but drinking my own would not turn me on in anyways (I think).