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  • 18. mája 2006 2:43:07 CEST
    Something very wrong is going on. The BDSM community got lost and nobody knows there way back home. Back to reality that is.

    This is nothing new, it happens frequently in history.

    Wise women and men are born to show humans they way and when they die, folks just lose themselves all over again.

    Well! It is time to bring some light into this darkness.

    Confusion has lasted long enough. Humans have turned a beautiful lifestyle into a circus. What is supposed to be female domination, is now a professional business.

    Each domina is competing for customers. Each domina must pretend to be someone she is not just to be in the game.

    However! Domination is not a game. And if it is now a business, the rules should be made by the domina and not by the supply and demand economic formula.

    Why should a dominant woman pretend to be what she is not just for financial benefits.

    A woman is a woman and the fact that she is a Domme will not change that. If she has sex, a woman will become pregnant, no matter how dominant she is.

    A woman will always be different than a man. She will still be more caring, more romantic, more emotional and nuturing.

    But now the dominant must pretend she is a man, that she has no feelings. The business dictates what she will be. If men have fantasies about what a Domme is supoosed to be, than that is the role she will take.

    It is just like at the movies, actors play roles, but everyone knows that when they finish work, the actors go back to their normal lives.

    SO! Is the dominant woman supposed to become an actress?

    Well! She already has.

    But I will not become one. I am first a woman. Then a Domme.

    This means that I do not wear leather boots all day. I do not walk around with a whip 24/7.

    I do not shout orders like a General. At home, I am like any other woman. There is absolutely no diffence.

    If I have sex with a man, I love to be dominated like 99% of all women do. And like all women, I am more attracted to powerful men than submissive men.

    No woman gets excited by a sub. That is just a MYTH that keeps the business alive.

    But that does not mean that subs don't have a real purpose in life. THEY DO. And that purpose is to serve.

    Now one thing that all women have in common, is that they love being served. Don't get me wrong, I did not say they love to torture or roleplay.

    They just love being pampered and spoiled.

    Now subs must understand that this is the only place they can really fit in the life of a real dominant woman.

    If you are truly a sub, than you will enjoy serving and that includes a very long list of chores and financial contributions.

    But do not expect the Mistress to be excited by your presence or by what you do for her. Because she won't be. Don't forget, the domme is like any other woman.

    She will be very greatful to have a slave at her service 24/7, but he will be just like am employee, except working for free.

    Personaly, I am sick of this scam. I want to own slaves as servants, but I am not ready to pretend to be what I am not just to get slaves.

    Even If I find good slaves, I want them to really understand what a real woman is. It is time to break the MYTH and make a place for the real woman into this BDSM community.

    Mistress Cinthia
  • 15. marca 2011 21:57:44 CET
    Japonia adăposteşte pe teritoriul său 55 de reactoare nucleare, mai mult decât orice alt stat din lume. Tepco, compania care exploateză o treime dintre aceste reactoare, inclusiv pe cele de la Fukushima, de unde au avut loc scurgeri radioactive, a falsificat în trecut mai multe rapoarte de siguranţă.

    Premierul japonez Naoto Kan a criticat vehement marţi Tokyo Electric Power Co (TEPCO) pentru modul în care a administrat situaţia de la centrala nucleară Fukushima I.

    "Posturile de televiziune au anunţat o explozie. Dar biroul premierului nu a fost informat timp de circa o oră", l-a auzit un reporter al Kyodo News pe Kan spunând în trimpul unei reuniuni cu directorii companiei. "Ce naiba se întâmplă?", a adăugat el.

    La sfârşitul anilor 80 şi începutul anilor 90, Tepco (Tokyo Power Electric Company), a falsificat în jur de 30 de rapoarte de securitate, scrie Le Figaro.

    Pe 29 august 2002, agenţia de securitate nucleară industrială japoneză dezvăluia acest lucru unei opinii publice scandalizate. Falsificarea avea drept obiectiv ascunderea a cel puţin trei incidente survenite la centralele de la Fukushima şi de la Kashiwazaki-Kariwa (prefectura Niigata, în nord, la 200 km de Tokyo). Falsificarea rapoartelor a fost făcută în unele cazuri timp de 25 de ani, estimându-se că în tot acest timp au avut loc peste 200 de evenimente. În urma acestui scandal Tepco a închis 7 dintre cele 17 reactoare ale sale pentru inspecţie în 2002.

    În aprilie 2007 un alt exploatant nipon, Hokuriku Electric, a recunoscut că a ascuns timp de opt ani un incident de la un reactor cu apă fierbinte de la Shika.

    LA Times citează un cercetător în seismologie de la universitatea din Kobe, potrivit căruia un dezastru nuclear nu este posibil doar la Fukushima, ci şi la alte centrale, cum ar fi cea de la Hamaoka.

    Publicaţia americană spune şi că japonezii se tem că guvernul le ascunde aevăratul pericol la care sunt expuşi. Deşi concentraţia de substanţe periculoase din atmosferă a depăşit de 400 de ori limitele normale în anumite regiuni, autorităţile sunt calme, iar OMS spune că nu există un pericol mare pentru sănătatea publică.

    Uzi Even, unul dintre cei mai buni experţi în domeniu din Israel, care a lucrat la reactorul din Dimona, crede că guvernul nipon ascunde multe lucruri. "În evaluarea mea, pagubele au o amploare mult mai mare şi pentru o perioadă de timp mult mai mare" a declarat el, citat de NewsIn.

    Even nu crede că miezul unuia dintre reactoarele ce a explodat de două ori putea rămâne intact, aşa cum au spus japonezii. "Aceste reactoare sunt vechi. Miezul unui reactor care a operat timp de 40 de ani este plin de fisuri şi rugină. Faptul că japonezii nu reuşesc de patru zile să scadă temperatura la reactor spune multe", a subliniat el.

    Even a cerut guvernului israelian să ia în calcul ramificaţiile incidentului din Japonia. "Reactorul de la Dimona este vechi, are aproape 50 de ani, iar punctul său slab este sistemul e răcire. De ani de zile avertizez că trebuie închis şi construit unul nou", a subliniat el.
  • 18. mája 2006 5:15:40 CEST
    If BDSM becomes a business, instead of a personal relationship, then the laws of business, such as the law of supply and demand, will dictate. If there are very few Dommes and many subs (which seems to be the usual case), then the Dommes can be choosy about who serves them and how. If there are more Dommes in the marketplace, then the subs can pick and choose who they want to serve, and can comparison shop. The law of supply and demand, like the law of gravity, always wins in the end.