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  • 27. marca 2007 16:38:24 CEST
    i suppose i am the only moron who doesn't know what to do or what it means when i open up a set of photos in the "Browse Albums" section and am greeted with "Verification photo" but no pictures. i must be missing something. Are these to be opened,a nd if so, how?

    If they are not to be opened, why are they being posted at all?

    Ginally, why do some people post notices that they are going to post photos and then put nothing in the spot?

    i are a moron, so help me, please.

  • 28. marca 2007 2:45:51 CEST
    Thanks, all. i are still a idiot, but i have resources in you guys...doesn't mean i can figure out how not to be a idiot
  • 28. marca 2007 0:30:07 CEST
    I would love for Domina.SK to take one of the following actions:

    1. Not allow additional photos to be added to albums after they are uploaded. You could still allow deletions.

    2. Allow aditional photos to be added for only a few (3) days after they are uploaded.

    3. Make certain that all new photos added to albums are at the top of the album when you open it. It would also be nice if you could "draw a line" between photos to show where the new ones end and the old ones start or use some other way for us to tell which ones are new.

  • 27. marca 2007 22:40:30 CEST
    The pics need to be checked before they are uploaded if you wait a little while and keep checking back they will appear - not sure how long it takes though!

    mS v
  • 27. marca 2007 20:01:20 CEST
    i tried to upload fotos but after the uploading is fineshed i try to open the album but no fotos apear just varification fotos and i dont know what is the reason