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Private Messages from aichakomo

  • 7. júla 2005 6:47:52 CEST
    For those that aren't sure... aichakomo is sending private messages in order to rob you of your money with an elaborate banking scam... please, please, please don't get involved... ignore it.
    • 33 posts
    8. júla 2005 8:43:42 CEST
    user Aichakomo is removed....
  • 7. júla 2005 17:10:25 CEST
    Using the manifestation of humanitarian atrocities Aichakomo, and others.. in their different guises, are targeting users in both advertised e-mail addresses and Private Messages in their attempt to gain knowledge of your banking details. Being outside the UK and outside the EU it is difficult to know which authority would be most efficient in removing this undesirable behaviour..