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Celebrity mistress poll

  • 14. augusta 2005 10:41:42 CEST
    There are 100 celebrity mistresses, but only the name. Why we doesn,t collect 100 pics?? One for each mistress
  • 10. augusta 2008 10:24:14 CEST
    Why don't you change the ten less voted Mistresses any longer?
  • 20. augusta 2005 20:05:52 CEST
    Thankx Mr. Admin
    • 33 posts
    16. augusta 2005 22:33:38 CEST
    Very nice job Sklave Joe, we wil think about your version seriously, thank you for your interest :-)
    The problem is that the chart would be so long, and voting can be more uncomfortbale, but we definitelly will think about changes.
  • 15. augusta 2005 7:42:53 CEST
    ...But you are not the admin
  • 14. augusta 2005 22:38:16 CEST
    Great job Sklave Joe !!!