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  • 22. júla 2011 13:52:53 CEST
    Bravo and kudos to all the site members that keep posting pictures in albums despite the seemingly unending wait for verification. My patients has been exhausted as my frustration level rises. Just what the hell is being verified, after all it's a BDSM site!
  • 9. novembra 2016 15:36:52 CET
    Asalam Alaykum
    Som Farah aby sme vymenovali aspoň kľud a úprimnú dievča. Milujem poctivosť a pravdu.
    Verím, že ľudí moc. Mám rád prírodu pokojné prechádzky v parkoch držiace
    Ruky počúvania šeptajícím vánok a piesne vtákov, prosím
    Chcem, aby ste odpísať, že som vám povie dôvod, prečo som kontaktoval
    vy a mojej súkromnej obrázky ok; [email protected]
  • 28. júla 2011 4:30:56 CEST
    right - uploaded 2 new galleries on 21 - now today i deleted them again because still no verification. This site is a no good site because noone is taking care of the site - what a shame - i am leaving, no big loss, but anyway - this site is a waste of time now!
  • 23. júla 2011 14:12:07 CEST
    Newtoy, I agree with you. Everyone keeps thinking that this site will get better with new ownership , but it seems like it will continue with the same ole shit of us having to wait forever to get to see the albums.
    Also, why do we never see any posts from either the Admin. or owner here ? It's too bad to see this as everyone seems to like this site.
    Ok, that's all I wanted to say.