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  • 30. júla 2011 16:26:44 CEST
    This message goes out to the owner and the administrator of this site. It seems that you have disappeared on everyone and don't give a rats ass about a very good site. Get back here and do your job of taking care of this site, approve the albums first. Have you noticed how many albums have been removed ? That should be a sign that this site is falling apart.
    Now how many of you people out there are just as fed up as I am and others are with this site ? I used to like this site a great deal, as it was a place for us to show our likes dislikes and fetishes in our lives. Lets here from you......
  • 9. novembra 2016 15:36:30 CET
    Asalam Alaykum
    Som Farah aby sme vymenovali aspoň kľud a úprimnú dievča. Milujem poctivosť a pravdu.
    Verím, že ľudí moc. Mám rád prírodu pokojné prechádzky v parkoch držiace
    Ruky počúvania šeptajícím vánok a piesne vtákov, prosím
    Chcem, aby ste odpísať, že som vám povie dôvod, prečo som kontaktoval
    vy a mojej súkromnej obrázky ok; [email protected]
  • 2. augusta 2011 13:57:42 CEST
    Hmmm, maybe someone can invent something like, oh let's say..a translator!
  • 2. augusta 2011 4:38:12 CEST
    Well, guess it is a waste of time to write anything in the English Forum - sure this is only read by english speaking visitors - if you visit the Slovak part of this site you will see a totally different Forum, and also updated information from administrator.
    This only makes me even more sure - admin of this site do not speak english - what a shame if you have a site with so many members from outside Slovakia
    AND - what is even worse - putting up a link trying to explain not speaking your language what is going on - how on earth do you MR ADMIN expect any of us from outside your country to understand a single word?
    For god's sake - wake up - worldlanguage is ENGLISH!
  • 2. augusta 2011 4:28:54 CEST
    mcfcbird - you are so right about communication.
    However that seems to be a great lack, and as far as i know - have always been on this site.
    silver - well, guess we all understand that administration of this site is not a full time job - however, if you say A you must also say B - and the new owner have calculated wrong about this site for several reasons i think.
    1. Why say yes to be admin/owner if you do not have the time available?
    2. Why not at least try to explain the problems he have with this site?
    3. Does admin at all have the skils to administer a site like this? I know that some knowledge is needed even if running in CMS mode.
    4. If the admin job is too much - then why not ask people on this site for help - lots of the people visiting this site know a lot about both programming and maintainance - just ask!
    5. There is NO excuse for doing nothing!
    Dear new owner - if you do not act very soon - your money will be lost forever - believe me!
    Let us see some action - NOW!
  • 1. augusta 2011 15:33:10 CEST
    That's fair enough Silver, thanks for passing that on. If the admin just put up something to that effect, explaining the situation either here or elsewhere on the site, fewer people might delete their albums and abandon the site altogether. Communication, that's the key.
    • 1 posts
    31. júla 2011 12:54:35 CEST
    And before you ask or jump to wrong conclussions, NO I am not the owner/admin/mod nor in any way speak for or with them... I`m just giving you the info from the Slovak part of the website.
    • 1 posts
    31. júla 2011 12:53:24 CEST
    As far as I can tell from the Slovak part of this site, the site itself has gone through several changes recently. Beginning with the owner, migrating to a different provider and god knows what else. There are also engine changes scheduled and much more, but as far as i understand the current owner can do this in his free time - this site not being his primary occupation (surprise surprise). Thus the long waiting for album approvals.
  • 30. júla 2011 17:25:29 CEST
    Well said mighty! I am sure I am not the only one who agrees with you!