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Ritual Decalogue

  • 1. februára 2012 1:03:27 CET
    I am a lifestyle Domme who is looking to settle down with one very submissive and very obedient service boy.

    I'm not looking for a relationship with my slave. You are there for a specific purpose - to serve and obey. I do not collect slave friends so don't bother.
    If you do not understand the extent and definition of consensual slavery, don't message me. If I am not interested or don't like you then you will not hear back.

    You need to be intelligent, caring, fit, adaptable, and available. This is a full time, 24/7 commitment. All reasonable questions may be answered.
  • 6. marca 2012 2:12:08 CET
    Just putting this message back on the top.
  • 1. marca 2012 12:17:22 CET
    m-ai surprins plăcut
    Multumesc mult pentru martisor. Imi place
  • 24. februára 2012 16:41:20 CET
    hallo. I am slave 24/7. Without experience in the subject, but with great desire. There is a great desire to live in slavery abroad. Like the forced confinement in non - faith, long-term fixation, handcuffs, shackles, collars, chains, steel bondage and much more. You can try and piercing as a permanent and temporary. Himself from Italy, ready to move at any time. Thanks you for your attention and sorry for English.
  • 13. februára 2012 20:22:57 CET
    Doamna Rainna aveti nevoie de sclavi pentru indepartarea zapezii din jurul casei?
  • 11. februára 2012 14:29:10 CET
    Preparing meals. Slave will be informed of what is to be cooked each day.
    Breakfast will be served at 8:30, lunch 13,30, dinner 20,30.
    No phone calls to be answered during that time.

    Tidying the Kitchen. Whenever there are dirty items to be washed, they need to be cleaned immediately.
    All counters to be sprayed and wiped down after each meal and meal preparation.

    Rooms. Things are to be put back in their assigned places immediately after use.
    Every day the beds need to be made and the bedrooms need to be ventilated
    Linens are to be used for one day then put into the laundry hamper. When these run out they are to be washed.

    Clean the Bathroom. Daily tasks will be using the toilet brush inside the bowl, making sure the 'blue water' pellets are kept up to date so the water stays sanitized.
    Wipe the tub/shower and sink including handles after use.
    Wednesday is the weekly bathroom cleaning day.

    Shopping . If allowed to go, the slave will get an amount of money before going shopping and will repay the amount that can't be justified by the shopping bills. It is not to make side trips, buy extra items for itself or anything else without approval.

    Wash the clothes. Washing the clothes can be done using a washing machine. Washing also includes drying the clothes
    All dried clothes have to be put into the closet without delay. Before they can go into the closet the clothes must be properly folded and ironed.

    The cars need to be washed on the outside and vacuum-cleaned and dusted on the inside. This will usually occur on weekends but will be left to the discretion of Mistress.

    The slave shall always be available to assist its Mistress in whatever task she might be doing. Likewise the Mistress can at any time give additional tasks to the slave for it to complete autonomously.
  • 10. februára 2012 19:02:46 CET
    I desire to have slaves under the ownership and possession ideology of this life.
    Mistress Rainna works from home with varying hours and times when she is gone away for work or very busy at home. Her work would sometimes be made far easier with the assistance of a slave. She is a single woman. One of her hobbies is the training slaves. As a single person, one of her needs is accompaniment to certain events for reasons of safety or other social needs, home companionship on a slave level, and a slave who can perform any tasks Mistress requires, household or otherwise.
    Mistress greatly enjoys her privacy and her current living situation. Any slave accepted into this House will respect that at all times and do nothing to cause her privacy or living situation to change negatively.
    Failure to do so may result in immediate removal.
  • 7. februára 2012 20:43:54 CET
    Well written, clearly defined rules by a wonderful Lady.
    As a natural-born slave, i can only deeply regret that i had not met You before i got married.

    Please allow me to express my humble wishes that You make a good and wise choice with Your 24/7 slaveboy.

    It has been a great pleasure for me to e-meet You. If You ever come to the Czech Republic and have any specific wish, please do not hesitate to contact me. i will always do for You whatever i can, Miss.

    Best wishes and good luck!
  • 6. februára 2012 21:42:15 CET
    Fiecare din posturi enunta foarte concis si fara echivoc ceea ce se afla in titlu. Eu cred ca merita sa mergeti mai departe. Aceasta este opinia mea si cred sincer in ceea ce spun. Astept in continuare DECALOGUL.
  • 6. februára 2012 13:02:24 CET
    My name is Martim. I am a 28 year old slave. I have been in the life style for 5 years. I have been branded and put into a chastity for 3 1/2 years. I am 5' 11" tall and weigh 190 lbs.
    I am interested in being your slave.
    I will send a picture if you are interested
  • 4. februára 2012 17:43:20 CET
    I am seeking to become a 24/7 completely owned slave. I am very real,very dedicated and very focused on giving all of myself to a Mistress for Her to train and use as She wishes.
    Please allow me the chance to prove my worthiness to You

    Thank you Mistress
  • 4. februára 2012 13:10:53 CET
    Slave will do any task Mistress gives him.

    Public behaviour will be different than private behaviour. In public , the slave will not act in an overtly submissive manner. The only exception to this is during kink-friendly situations. If slave is in public 'vanilla' mode it will behave as a gentleman and 'roommate/friend'. It will defer any big decisions, saying it has to check its work schedule and it will make minor decisions
    If slave is unclear about which behaviour to use in public, it will ask Mistress for clarity.

    If alone in public, and not able to contact Mistress about a decision slave will make the best decision it can based on the circumstances.

    slave will never question or disagree with Mistress in public. If slave has any questions, queries or concerns it will save them until in private with Mistress and until given permission to speak freely.

    slave is not a free man and as such will treat all third-parties with respect at all times unless instructed otherwise.

    slave will restrict all speech and eye-contact with third-parties to the absolute minimum possible such that it in no way draws any unnecessary attention to itself or Mistress.

    In private, once slave closes the door it is in slave mode. It will strip bare, putting its collar on and its clothes in a plastic bag that will be in the closet for it. It will then kneel just ahead of the door mat and wait further instructions.

    When slave is getting close to having used up all of its allotted toiletries and personal care supplies, it will bring to Mistress a list of what it needs, and how long each item has lasted. If the item is being used too quickly slave will have to wait for a replacement.

    If slave has been instructed to run an errand and then return home and perform a task, it will kneel by the door and if Mistress is not in the room it will loudly call out. If she chooses not to come into the entryway, then slave will wait a respectful 20 seconds before getting up and continuing on with the task.

    Begging must be kept to an absolute minimum. slave is there to service Mistress's needs and She will decide what Her slave may have, or need, in order to fulfil that service to Her.

    Mistress does accept that on rare occasions Her slave may believe it needs to ask for something. In this scenario then only when slave has completed all allocated duties/tasks/actions for Mistress it may kneel in front of Her with its eyes down and ask, once, to be allowed to ask a question. If given permission it may then beg to be granted permission for whatever it believes it wants. If not given and answer or not given permission it must remain silently where it is until given another instruction. If given permission it must complete the request immediately as it is now an order from Mistress.

    When entering the room where Mistress is, slave will pause inside the doorway and out of the way, kneel, and wait until it is to be used.

    Slave will eat, sitting on the floor next to Mistress's chair at meal times.

    If Mistress is asleep slave may not wake Mistress just for its needs, but may use the toilet in an emergency

    While being used or disciplined slave will remain as quiet as possible and not speak out unless told to do so e.g. count strokes etc. slave is allowed to express its pain but will be gagged if it gets too noisy or for Mistress's pleasure

  • 4. februára 2012 0:01:40 CET
    Slave will give clear, concise answers when asked a question.

    Slave will always answer Mistress with "Mistress, Yes Mistress", "Mistress, No Mistress" or "Mistress, Thank you Mistress" as appropriate. Words like "Okay" or just "yes", "no" or "thank you" are not acceptable.

    Slave will not withhold important information from Mistress, no matter what punishment or speech restrictions are in place – it will say “Mistress it has something important to say”. This will never be an opinion or a want, but knowledge vital to the running of life, safety, etc.

    Speech restrictions will be enforced a great deal of the time.
    The exception to this will be if Mistress says slave is to be in relaxed slave mode, without being offensive to Mistress.

    Eye contact restrictions follow the same rules as speech restrictions.

    When communicating in the non-kink world slave will ALWAYS refer to itself as roommate, never Her slave.
  • 3. februára 2012 17:30:28 CET
    Multumesc de complimente.... "Fiecare vede cat cunoaste..."
    In ceea ce priveste Mistress Daniela nu pot sa ma pronunt, pentru ca nu am avut "oroarea" sa ne cunoastem... Din poze are un chip dragut... de copil... Nu o vezi in postura de dominatoare... Dar mai stii ce scantei scoate cand se aprinde.... Daca iti place tie, iti respect dorintele...
    Sunt non-stop pentru ca sarutul este vesnic... mai ales in BDSM (daca ai capacitatea de a saruta un sclav in timpul sedintei, ii vei impinge limitele catre extrem, pentru a ramane cu amintiri placute si nu numai...)
  • 3. februára 2012 16:06:26 CET
    Nu sunt avocatul Doamnei Daniela. Reafirm inca o data: Mistress Daniela este o adevarata Stapana.

    kissme, subtilitatile intelectuale nu sunt pentru capul tau.

    Oare de ce esti non-stop pe site?
  • 3. februára 2012 8:47:20 CET
    BRAVO Rainna!!!
    La mine ai nimerit!!! (ca nuca in perete)
    Dat fiind ora la care ai postat, trag concluzia ca ti-a luat 2 zile aceasta munca...
    Te rog sa ne mai scrii
  • 3. februára 2012 0:16:32 CET
    sl_pet_01. Iti multumesc mult. Astept parerea ta sincera cand voi termina toate cele zece postari

    eud. daca esti (cum imi sugereaza cineva pe Private Messages) acea dominatrix Daniela poti sa stai linistita. Nu sunt interesata de masochisti care platesc pentru cateva nuiele luate la fund si lins picioare.

    kissme. Mistress inseamna mai mult decat o femeie intretinuta de submisi precum cele pe care dezinteresat le promovezi tu aici.

    goodservant. Nu stiu ce ai inteles. Cu siguranta voi accepta un sclav vorbitor de limba engleza, de preferinta nu din Romania
  • 2. februára 2012 12:55:03 CET
    Urmaresc cu mult interes posturile Dumneavoastra.
    Nu pot sa nu observ ca va adresati exclusiv potentialilor sclavi straini si va inteleg.
    Recunosc ca m-ati facut sa visez frumos desi acceptarea unui astfel de raport presupune un schimb radical al vietii mele
    Astept in continuare posturile Dumneavoastra
  • 2. februára 2012 12:38:52 CET
    a dat cu copy/paste de undeva... Nu vezi ca face mereu referire la "mistress"... dar indubitabil nu e ea... pentru a fi MISTRESS, trebuie sa fi mai mult... ceea ce nu poate toata lumea.... Este un titlu care se castiga prin munca si efort si daca nu ai si talent...degeaba scrii pe usa cuvantul acela...
  • 2. februára 2012 11:03:09 CET
    ce rea e ma!
  • 1. februára 2012 22:46:50 CET
    Punishment may happen at any time, for any reason, and sometimes at any place. It may also be delayed or drawn out into multiple sessions.

    Punishing the slave is to offer it guidance and redirection. It teaches the slave that what it did was wrong, and that it shouldn't do that again.

    Slave will be severely punished for any breach of the contract of voluntary slavery

    Slave cannot stop any punishment no matter how long or severe although slave will always be safe and the limits defined in the contract of voluntary slavery will always be applied.

    In all matters relating to punishment Mistress's decision is final and any attempt by slave to influence or change that decision will result in further severe punishment.

    Mistress will routinely severely punish slave in order to remind it of its status as a slave property and to continually train it to better serve Mistress and to be a better slave.

    Slave may only refuse to obey an instruction if it breaches the limits or rules defined in the contract of voluntary slavery.
  • 1. februára 2012 19:34:23 CET
    Foarte tare postul Dominei Rainna. Total de acord!
  • 1. februára 2012 14:53:54 CET
    The slave gets a spare room to live in. This room is completely bare of furnishings aside from the carpet, window blinds, and built in closet. As it earns privliges its status may be upgraded to sleeping on the floor in Mistress's room, ankle chained to the bed, or a crate in the bare room.

    The slave will be allowed music either from a radio or CD player during its free time, with Mistress's permission.
    The slave will have very limited internet access
    The slave will have a cellphone which will be kept with it each time it is not in the House. This phone will be used for keeping in touch with family and friends not in the local area.

    The slave will eat what it has been instructed to eat. This will be the same as what has been prepared for the Mistress. It will wait until the Mistress has started eating and can use the amount approved by Mistress.
    Nothing is to be eaten or drunk without Mistress's permission. The exception to this is water.

    The slave will be at the service of its Mistress all the time. Resting times for the slave will be adjusted accordingly

    The slave will use the same bathroom as its Mistress unless on a toilet pail restriction. It shall never leave any traces of usage and clean the bathroom each time it has been used. Slave must ask for permission to use the bathroom whenever it is home alone or out alone with Mistress.

    Relations. The slave lives only for its Mistress.
    Contact with the slave’s family will adjusted based on what the usual had been pre-slavery, and may be decreased at Mistress's discretion.
  • 1. februára 2012 12:18:27 CET