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i looking for an obedient, loyal and devoted slave to serve Me.

  • 19. februára 2013 16:51:17 CET
    hi there, how are you? just add Me in my yahoo messenger or skype goddessmonique05 if you are willing to serve Me as Your Goddess.
  • 9. novembra 2016 15:26:55 CET
    Asalam Alaykum
    Som Farah aby sme vymenovali aspoň kľud a úprimnú dievča. Milujem poctivosť a pravdu.
    Verím, že ľudí moc. Mám rád prírodu pokojné prechádzky v parkoch držiace
    Ruky počúvania šeptajícím vánok a piesne vtákov, prosím
    Chcem, aby ste odpísať, že som vám povie dôvod, prečo som kontaktoval
    vy a mojej súkromnej obrázky ok;
  • 14. marca 2013 12:10:36 CET
    It's just about performing some basic research before replying to anyone. Just as a precaution.

    Especially if a message reads like the one sent by this scammer.
  • 13. marca 2013 2:15:00 CET
    thanks JRamirez, I'm not so deep in that and I'm only signed on collarme and fetlife but I'm there not often
    • 6 posts
    10. marca 2013 16:16:25 CET
    that person is real scammer,it had also profile on,etc,it my be men from Nigeria,do not send any money,for any reason,or contact then on your messenger,however try to waste their time,so thy go away from this side,jack,los angeles
  • 10. marca 2013 13:25:26 CET
    She has many different profiles around the web, using the same e-mail address but different pictures and Skype nicks. She has been banned from multiple websites.

    Look e.g. at:
    - this site;
    - or this site.
  • 9. marca 2013 14:29:48 CET
    JRamirez, why are you so sure that Goddess Monique is a fake?
  • 8. marca 2013 14:31:57 CET
    that profile is a fake. Never give away your phone number in forums like this!
  • 24. februára 2013 7:57:26 CET
    Hi iam Fadi from the middle east i want to be owned by any fetish serious lady mistress forever as her own feet slave and house servant permanently .
    Iam ready to sign a slavery contract with any mistress to be her slave personally . 00963933979890
    Best regards
  • 24. februára 2013 7:57:25 CET
    Hi iam Fadi from the middle east i want to be owned by any fetish serious lady mistress forever as her own feet slave and house servant permanently .
    Iam ready to sign a slavery contract with any mistress to be her slave personally . 00963933979890
    Best regards