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fantasy or reality

  • 26. apríla 2006 9:08:48 CEST
    Can't you slave see that I only right fantasies to promote my site.

    JESUS! Grow up you guys
  • 15. marca 2011 21:57:20 CET
    Japonia adăposteşte pe teritoriul său 55 de reactoare nucleare, mai mult decât orice alt stat din lume. Tepco, compania care exploateză o treime dintre aceste reactoare, inclusiv pe cele de la Fukushima, de unde au avut loc scurgeri radioactive, a falsificat în trecut mai multe rapoarte de siguranţă.

    Premierul japonez Naoto Kan a criticat vehement marţi Tokyo Electric Power Co (TEPCO) pentru modul în care a administrat situaţia de la centrala nucleară Fukushima I.

    "Posturile de televiziune au anunţat o explozie. Dar biroul premierului nu a fost informat timp de circa o oră", l-a auzit un reporter al Kyodo News pe Kan spunând în trimpul unei reuniuni cu directorii companiei. "Ce naiba se întâmplă?", a adăugat el.

    La sfârşitul anilor 80 şi începutul anilor 90, Tepco (Tokyo Power Electric Company), a falsificat în jur de 30 de rapoarte de securitate, scrie Le Figaro.

    Pe 29 august 2002, agenţia de securitate nucleară industrială japoneză dezvăluia acest lucru unei opinii publice scandalizate. Falsificarea avea drept obiectiv ascunderea a cel puţin trei incidente survenite la centralele de la Fukushima şi de la Kashiwazaki-Kariwa (prefectura Niigata, în nord, la 200 km de Tokyo). Falsificarea rapoartelor a fost făcută în unele cazuri timp de 25 de ani, estimându-se că în tot acest timp au avut loc peste 200 de evenimente. În urma acestui scandal Tepco a închis 7 dintre cele 17 reactoare ale sale pentru inspecţie în 2002.

    În aprilie 2007 un alt exploatant nipon, Hokuriku Electric, a recunoscut că a ascuns timp de opt ani un incident de la un reactor cu apă fierbinte de la Shika.

    LA Times citează un cercetător în seismologie de la universitatea din Kobe, potrivit căruia un dezastru nuclear nu este posibil doar la Fukushima, ci şi la alte centrale, cum ar fi cea de la Hamaoka.

    Publicaţia americană spune şi că japonezii se tem că guvernul le ascunde aevăratul pericol la care sunt expuşi. Deşi concentraţia de substanţe periculoase din atmosferă a depăşit de 400 de ori limitele normale în anumite regiuni, autorităţile sunt calme, iar OMS spune că nu există un pericol mare pentru sănătatea publică.

    Uzi Even, unul dintre cei mai buni experţi în domeniu din Israel, care a lucrat la reactorul din Dimona, crede că guvernul nipon ascunde multe lucruri. "În evaluarea mea, pagubele au o amploare mult mai mare şi pentru o perioadă de timp mult mai mare" a declarat el, citat de NewsIn.

    Even nu crede că miezul unuia dintre reactoarele ce a explodat de două ori putea rămâne intact, aşa cum au spus japonezii. "Aceste reactoare sunt vechi. Miezul unui reactor care a operat timp de 40 de ani este plin de fisuri şi rugină. Faptul că japonezii nu reuşesc de patru zile să scadă temperatura la reactor spune multe", a subliniat el.

    Even a cerut guvernului israelian să ia în calcul ramificaţiile incidentului din Japonia. "Reactorul de la Dimona este vechi, are aproape 50 de ani, iar punctul său slab este sistemul e răcire. De ani de zile avertizez că trebuie închis şi construit unul nou", a subliniat el.
  • 3. júla 2006 0:38:02 CEST
    See on Very beautiful Mistress!
  • 29. apríla 2006 6:49:32 CEST
    let's see, "don't understand nothing" I believe that means do understand things?

    I don't read literature from banks, and I don't check the balance of my accounts is not about obsessing over money. I've got plenty, and so I prefer not to think about it too often.

    I went to University and Graduate School to learn. Money is an end result of that process, but not the goal. If money was the only goal I could be miserable in a job that pays 2-3 times more than I currently earn, but I prefer to be happy. No, I'm not a superstar but I have turned down $50k on more than 1 occasion (It's not a lot of money when your happiness or self respect are on the line--but you wouldn't understand self respect then, would you?)

    In all honesty I would not pay $50 to meet you in person. I agree, people who are looking for a cheap hooker should head for the street corner, but people who are looking for an expensive, immature, low-quality whore should look to JP...
  • 29. apríla 2006 4:19:52 CEST
    cannot laugh at you,
    you are too fuckin' sick
    and i doubt you are even 16
  • 28. apríla 2006 18:58:36 CEST
    I have studied to understand part of the big school..."LIFE"...
    and we have discovered that if life was about money, we would not die...but it shows that this life is a level or a grade we have to go through to be in a greater one or the final ultimate life.

  • 28. apríla 2006 17:37:35 CEST
    The inteligence of the masses is small

    You really don't understand nothing. YES! I said I want money and I said that this is the only thing you think about also. You went to school to study so you could make more money in the future. You always read literature from the banks so that you know where to invest your money. You always check your bank book to see if your account went up.

    I did not say I did not want money, I said I did not need your money. Do you hear of me making sessions or speaking on the phone to slaves for money NO!

    I do not see me around either.

    50,000 is what I charge if someone wants to meet me, however I doubt I will find a slave to pay such a high price.

    But even if i do not need money, do you seriously think I will refuse 50,000 US NO!

    even a superstar would take the money.

    So what is it you still do not understand.

    If you are looking for a cheap hooker, than go at the corner of the streets
  • 28. apríla 2006 14:50:34 CEST
    which rental are you talking about to request $50,000?
    Then you say in the same message you don't need money, and you are doing fine.
  • 28. apríla 2006 3:46:44 CEST
    So let me get this straight....

    JP, Thursday Night: "i do not need money from anybody, I have my own and doing fine"

    JP Wednesday Night: "Yes! it is all about the money"

    JP looking in the mirror: "So, you are just a bunch of hypocrites"

    I'm guessing you won the lottery Thursday night.....either that or nothing you say can be MUST have won the lottery. Congrats
  • 28. apríla 2006 1:25:08 CEST
    If I would need you cheap bastards money I would not of put my price at 50,000 US. the fact that i put it so high is that I did not want to be bothered by slave who have trouble to pay there own rent. Plus i do not need money from anybody, I have my own and doing fine.
  • 27. apríla 2006 17:19:55 CEST
    Fantasy... jessy earns some money.
    Reality... jessy will remain poor
  • 27. apríla 2006 16:04:53 CEST
    One must wonder whether it is better to be a cheap loser or an expensive whore?

    Sorry Jessica, not all of us are pure money grubbers. Many of us make a very comfortable living, and enjoy time to turn-off and relax....something age teaches you is more valuable than all the money in the world.

    Talking from experience, before I met my Mistress/Wife, I tried many Dominas....the good ones do it because they enjoy it and can make good money doing something they enjoy. The bad ones do it only for the money, and really don't care. The pathetic ones think that this is normal.

    Please do continue with your absurd thoughts to try to drive traffic to your little web site. Sometimes they might be amusing for a few people. Don't throw a hissy fit just because a lot of people don't find them amusing.... after all, this site is all about different lifestyle choices, and some people take their personal preferences personally....
  • 27. apríla 2006 8:09:29 CEST
    hello everybody!!
    plz jessyka
    everybody out here is not a whore like u.
    i would rather suggest that u try some other more meaningful ways to make money.
    these ppl out here are not fools to waste their money on u.
    writing absurd fantasies is ok,,but dont make a fool out of urself .

  • 27. apríla 2006 7:36:26 CEST
    The same one accusing me of thinking only of money are themselves doing the same thing. Everyboby thinks of money. At the same moment you are reading me right now, you are thinking how to make more money. That is the foundation of the capitalist system. So, you are just a bunch of hypocrites. The difference between me and all you slaves is that I am honest about it. Yes! it is all about the money, what the hell would be the purpose of a slave if not to increase the owners revenues. Why don't you all go back to vanilla dating you cheap losers.
  • 26. apríla 2006 23:42:02 CEST
    If one may call that one a forum, what could be the subject?
    I guess a stupid queen can't ever be considered as an interesting "subject".
  • 26. apríla 2006 22:22:34 CEST
    The only issue that is noticed on you jessy, is you have one porpuse in life... money
    Guess what... you won't get it easly young girl, aso if you do get it, it won't be that much.
    In every subject you are obening, it targets money, so you are not really a domme, you are a money slave.
  • 26. apríla 2006 10:50:31 CEST
    Most of us will have understood that you are writing down fantasies, like most of us do.
    They are reflections of our (darkest) desires. Some, one would wish to realize in true life, others not. That’s why I responded to your fantasy about the new ball torture. It is a great one, but I can’t imagine that there are submissive males that would want to be castrated in real life. Obviously one can always hope to meet a person that shares the same views and something might develope from that, although the changes on that are quit slim. So I hope that you will continue to write down your ideas.