17. februára 2007 14:25:35 CET
who knows something about romanian bdsm,please write about it,i,m from bucharest,i enjoy bdsm for 7 years and all u can find is only gipsy girls who finds in bdsm an easy way to make money,is very simple to make this shit without fucking?don.t u think?is any woman interested in bdsm lifestyle?i think they are afraid to talk about this...real women,not gipsy girls...
17. februára 2007 17:06:34 CET
Karmelo i disagree! there is Mistress Luna who is the best Mistress i ever visit. I beleive she enjoys what she is doing and with her you can make real your secret desires. I have visited her 4 times and the last 2 times she had also her girlfriend assistant (a 26 years old beautiful blond Lady) and i felt that i was really in my paradise fetish world!!! She really enjoy it and this is that i like more
For sure there are a lot of girls that use bdsm to make money but Mistress Luna is true and her session is at least 1:30 hour!
I beleive if someone who likes bdsm as a slave meets her he will not have different thought than me
17. februára 2007 16:55:20 CET
Karmelo i disagree! there is Mistress Luna who is the best Mistress i ever visit. I beleive she enjoys what she is doing and with her you can make real your secret desires. I have visited her 4 times and the last 2 times she had also her girlfriend assistant (a 26 years old beautiful blond Lady) and i felt that i was really in my paradise fetish world!!! She really enjoy it and this is that i like more
For sure there are a lot of girls that use bdsm to make money but Mistress Luna is true and her session is at least 1:30 hour!
I beleive if someone who likes bdsm as a slave meets her he will not have different thought than me