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  • 28. júla 2006 16:21:34 CEST
    I want to give you a sugestion regarding adding pictures on Picture of the month area: if you go on Top 12 worst you will see many nice pictures are there just becose nobody vote them: rate 0; votes 0 !! Is seem unfair , don't you thing?? to get in worst 12 just becose nobody get the chance to vote you!! Also during the vote, many picture apear 10 time in 5 minute and others apear 1 time in 24 hours...again look unfair to me...I belive everybody most get equal chances!! So, here is my sugestions: 1- do something about frquvency of apearing ( give chance for all picture to be vote!) 2. - when somebody add new picture, let him for the first time to rate once his own picture, so go into the ,,cercle" of pictures....other ways the new pic, even is great
    go stright into worst 12 pictures becose: rate 0, votes 0 Thank you!
  • 25. júla 2006 14:21:37 CEST
    i discovered this site accidently and i thing it is the most useful site for maleslaves like me and i thank very much for this.
    i wish all good for your great feature
    may domina sk rule us ever
    • 2 posts
    3. júla 2006 13:32:54 CEST
    in a fact we don't have resources to check every forum regulary so if you find something like that please report it to me thx ...
  • 3. júla 2006 8:01:44 CEST
    Site is excellent although I am concerned at the amount of "spamming" on the message boards from people advertising irrelevant sites etc. Most annoying.
  • 2. júna 2006 12:34:22 CEST

    Instead of putting them mixed in the different sections.... Could there be a section for Drawings?
  • 31. mája 2006 17:06:26 CEST
    Well, really, an excellent site. The only thing is that it'Sreally slanted towards submissive males and dominant females. Well, that's good for them, but I'm a dominant male looking for a submissive female. And I still hope that I can meet one from the east... Can anyone suggest a similar site from CZ or SK that is more oriented to male dominants? Just wondering...
    • 3 posts
    21. mája 2006 23:38:06 CEST
    Lovely site, easy to use and understand. One recommendation would be to better organize the forums into Subject areas. It would draw more of an audience. Also, perhaps when you click on someones name it would show all of their forum postings so you can learn more about them and also contribute on the forum.
  • 9. mája 2006 20:14:26 CEST
    Shotgun 261, thanks for your reply, I can see the difficulty.

    But why I had to wait for 5 weeks to have a reply.??
    • 2 posts
    9. mája 2006 14:36:59 CEST
    because it's really unlogical question ...
    look, link in profiles is link to list of users albums, but every user can have more than one album, so what do you think you will see if there is five albums and only two of them is locked ?
  • 6. mája 2006 9:25:15 CEST
    On the 29 03 06 I have posted this question, and as to day, am still without a reply.

    However I have notice that, 3 post after my, has been answered, is it possible to have a reply from the Administration.??

    Key sign next to the albums, if password is required.!!

    Hi shotgun (260)
    Thanks for your interest.
    What I mean is:
    Why not, when you open a profile, have or appears the key sign, next to the personal albums or favorite albums, if any one albums is protected by password.
    This will save you, going to the album and discover that you need a password.
    Is it possible, please.??
    • 33 posts
    6. mája 2006 1:15:36 CEST
    at first to tagg59 , we finally Ireland into mistresses world chart, becasue we find one Ireland mistress. If you know some more, feel free to give us suggestions.

    About non active members in general, its a problem for any other community websites. For this reason if you visit some users profile, you can see where was this user logged into our site for last, so you can see if this user is active at this times.
    With deleting older accounts, even the user soesnt visited as for longer time we have just very bad experiences...

    and thank you to Free Slave, we are trying to keep this site simple, but still bring a lot of usefull infos and some fun.
  • 3. mája 2006 23:34:45 CEST
    But i would agree with the dead members comment - maybe no log on in three months equals cancellation of registration??
  • 27. apríla 2006 20:31:36 CEST

    You deserve a Well Done on this website, keep it simple as it is.
  • 6. apríla 2006 12:52:46 CEST
    Can we be added to the mistress charts.

  • 29. marca 2006 21:50:57 CEST
    Hi shotgun (260)
    Thanks for your interest.
    What I mean is:
    Why not, when you open a profile, have or appears the key sign, next to the personal albums or favorite albums, if any one albums is protected by password.
    This will save you, going to the album and discover that you need a password.
    Is it possible, please.??
    • 2 posts
    29. marca 2006 20:34:47 CEST
    i'm sorry but i don't understand what do you want to ask ...
  • 28. marca 2006 13:19:41 CEST
    I search e young Domina!
    Ich suche eine junge Domina!
  • 26. marca 2006 20:11:26 CEST

    Why, is it, you open a profile, there is no key next to the Albums, if any album is protected by a password.
    Why you have to go to the Album to discovery that you need a password.
    Why not, when you open a profile next to the personal albums or favorite albums, you will have/appears the key sign if one or both of the albums are protected by password.
    This will save you going to the album for nothing.
    Is it possible, please.??
  • 26. marca 2006 15:17:12 CEST is a wonderful Site! ist eine wunderschöne Seite!
  • 24. februára 2006 7:44:59 CET
    Thank you very much for giving the option of sorting by last activity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • 13. februára 2006 7:49:25 CET
    Too many dead members so my remedy for that is:
    1. send an e-mail with notice to log in and if not remove the membership
    2. at least give us the searching option that would narrow down the number of ppl to those that logged in in the last ... 3 weeks.
    Oh.. and if there was a chance to find the location IN the USA as well that would be great. Cause, you know, US is pretty big and going through all the profiles to find some1 from your state is really annoying.
  • 23. januára 2006 10:37:30 CET
    there are too many dead members, that is, members that have not been active in many months. could the administration check on this, and have these members expelled?
  • 23. januára 2006 8:11:58 CET
    I just wish we had more members and that this site was better known to people.. More ads on other sites to lure people here?
  • 5. januára 2006 21:43:31 CET
    FREE fetish newsletter - contacts, dvds for sale etc. Send your email address to: [email protected] and newsletter will be emailed back to you
  • 17. decembra 2005 15:52:51 CET
    there is not a dictionary to understand some particular words, for the beginner naturally ;)