7. januára 2009 12:07:38 CET
It looks like everybody here ignores you because you are quite boring with your intellectual performances which you probably address to yourself. For this reason, I decided to pay attention again for a while to your spiritual self-addressed messages.
Here is my reaction on your last intellectual creation: No wonder your dick reminds you your shit. Both are equally ugly, full of blisters, smelly and hanging all the time like cables.
In this rare occasion I also would like to offer you my shit. It can be delivered in the fresh or dry form depending on your taste. It is for free, you have to pay only delivery. In the case of fresh delivery the transport must be done using freezer with batteries which I can provide you as a gift. The freezer you can then use for storing the most valuable products of your poor existence: your shits.
Impatiently waiting for your tremendously clever respond
Have a nice shitting.
Your admirer Chrochte