7. augusta 2011 7:41:52 CEST
administration is fake Admin. Domina.sk will still work. we work allready on new design and features . Please be patient
14. augusta 2011 8:35:10 CEST
you can not close my Blog :)
7. augusta 2011 13:33:21 CEST
PS you use some Meta command to retransfer all users to your site . You are good programer and use bugs on this site . And i think this is violation of some law
7. augusta 2011 13:28:01 CEST
Becouse if you see nick Admin is the owner off all admistrativ forums . you are just guy ho use this site for your own propagation . and I now the real owner of Domina.sk
7. augusta 2011 12:05:36 CEST
BLACKSUN3 "we work"? You make me laught! And then why all forum and album are closed by administration if is an fake admin? sweet dreams