2. novembra 2005 16:06:04 CET
I was thinking to myself,like us sub guys do fantasizing.
Wouldnt it be great if i could be a lifestyle Toilet travelling the world being used by many beautifull mistresses.
First i would have to do a small tour of the UK,and become established.Then maybe word of mouth mistresses that used me would recomend me to other mistresses.
Then i would do a european tour,then i would try and crack america.
I can dream cant i.
15. novembra 2005 17:59:30 CET
That addiction is just to strong to let go. Be a famous suck-star or star-sucker, as you like and let you wave by the tides of peeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
3. novembra 2005 23:16:12 CET
DRGMCH-- Remember the line from 'THE WIZARD OF OZ" ?---- There Is No Place Like HOME !!