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Vecer po 10 pm

  • 1. marca 2015 20:21:04 CET
    што ето зпес которая савака етомц эдес вцдет поймают,
  • 1. marca 2015 17:56:01 CET
  • 1. marca 2015 17:16:08 CET
    hovorte jak vám palula narástla.....
    kto to má po vás prekladať....
  • 1. marca 2015 15:23:59 CET
    even death does not want to have anything to do with you,,,, but I thought of you like to wait
    • 2 posts
    1. marca 2015 15:19:12 CET
    In dream I met a man older then time waiting in front of my awakening. I asked who he is and what he is waiting for. "I am Hope and I am waiting for Death" he said...