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  • 27. marca 2006 1:19:41 CEST
    I am writing this because lots of people accused me of being evil for wanting to remove the male from all of society activities and turning him into a simple servant.

    They tell me that two wrongs don't make a right. Well than! If this is true HITLER should have remained in power. For it took force to destroy force. It is also not true that if females remove males from sociey, that by doing this females just sink to the same level of the males.

    Removing Hitler did not make the alliance of all free democracies impose the same regime once the devil went down. A better Order was established and we are living under this order right now.

    But this does not stop the world from still being all scewed up.

    It is very clear to me that the cause of all this chaos is the male EGO. It should be clear to all you boys also. If you cannot see this than you are just blind.

    Woman are love and as soon as men enter the lives of women, women are immediately corrupted.

    The book of Genesis declares all women evil. But if you do like Chrles Darwin did and just take time to observe the things around you, instead of listening to what others say or write, you will notice that females are (LOVE)

    Why do you think the courts give the children to the wives, Because females are more nurturing. It is in their nature to take care of people.

    Who started all the hospitals in this world, educated the young, who mended the wounded when they were taken off the battle fields.

    But you all no this already and that is what scares you about the female. That is why the book of Genesis is the biggest fraud in history.

    It was written because men were jealous of the females and fear that their loving nature would bring them to rule the world.

    Every time females would move forward. Men would attack them, just like they have been doing to the JEWS for thousands of years.

    All this seems hard to believe. Men think they are so good. WEll! Who decided to eliminate 6,000,000 JEWS. Who was behind RWANDA massacres.

    I could go on and on, but I won't. You get the picture.

    Men have had their chance and they blew it. It is time for the females to remove them and it does not mean we will act the same destructive way they did.

    Men will be are slaves, this is true, but they will be happy slaves. They know deep down inside that this should of been their destinies in the first place.

    It is men who created the DOMINATRIXES.
    Not women. It is men who wanted to be tortured by the females. It is not in the nature of women to do these things, but if the men pay them well, than they will do it.


  • 15. marca 2011 21:39:33 CET
    Japonia adăposteşte pe teritoriul său 55 de reactoare nucleare, mai mult decât orice alt stat din lume. Tepco, compania care exploateză o treime dintre aceste reactoare, inclusiv pe cele de la Fukushima, de unde au avut loc scurgeri radioactive, a falsificat în trecut mai multe rapoarte de siguranţă.

    Premierul japonez Naoto Kan a criticat vehement marţi Tokyo Electric Power Co (TEPCO) pentru modul în care a administrat situaţia de la centrala nucleară Fukushima I.

    "Posturile de televiziune au anunţat o explozie. Dar biroul premierului nu a fost informat timp de circa o oră", l-a auzit un reporter al Kyodo News pe Kan spunând în trimpul unei reuniuni cu directorii companiei. "Ce naiba se întâmplă?", a adăugat el.

    La sfârşitul anilor 80 şi începutul anilor 90, Tepco (Tokyo Power Electric Company), a falsificat în jur de 30 de rapoarte de securitate, scrie Le Figaro.

    Pe 29 august 2002, agenţia de securitate nucleară industrială japoneză dezvăluia acest lucru unei opinii publice scandalizate. Falsificarea avea drept obiectiv ascunderea a cel puţin trei incidente survenite la centralele de la Fukushima şi de la Kashiwazaki-Kariwa (prefectura Niigata, în nord, la 200 km de Tokyo). Falsificarea rapoartelor a fost făcută în unele cazuri timp de 25 de ani, estimându-se că în tot acest timp au avut loc peste 200 de evenimente. În urma acestui scandal Tepco a închis 7 dintre cele 17 reactoare ale sale pentru inspecţie în 2002.

    În aprilie 2007 un alt exploatant nipon, Hokuriku Electric, a recunoscut că a ascuns timp de opt ani un incident de la un reactor cu apă fierbinte de la Shika.

    LA Times citează un cercetător în seismologie de la universitatea din Kobe, potrivit căruia un dezastru nuclear nu este posibil doar la Fukushima, ci şi la alte centrale, cum ar fi cea de la Hamaoka.

    Publicaţia americană spune şi că japonezii se tem că guvernul le ascunde aevăratul pericol la care sunt expuşi. Deşi concentraţia de substanţe periculoase din atmosferă a depăşit de 400 de ori limitele normale în anumite regiuni, autorităţile sunt calme, iar OMS spune că nu există un pericol mare pentru sănătatea publică.

    Uzi Even, unul dintre cei mai buni experţi în domeniu din Israel, care a lucrat la reactorul din Dimona, crede că guvernul nipon ascunde multe lucruri. "În evaluarea mea, pagubele au o amploare mult mai mare şi pentru o perioadă de timp mult mai mare" a declarat el, citat de NewsIn.

    Even nu crede că miezul unuia dintre reactoarele ce a explodat de două ori putea rămâne intact, aşa cum au spus japonezii. "Aceste reactoare sunt vechi. Miezul unui reactor care a operat timp de 40 de ani este plin de fisuri şi rugină. Faptul că japonezii nu reuşesc de patru zile să scadă temperatura la reactor spune multe", a subliniat el.

    Even a cerut guvernului israelian să ia în calcul ramificaţiile incidentului din Japonia. "Reactorul de la Dimona este vechi, are aproape 50 de ani, iar punctul său slab este sistemul e răcire. De ani de zile avertizez că trebuie închis şi construit unul nou", a subliniat el.
  • 11. apríla 2006 23:42:03 CEST
    abckid what a jokeful you are. But bingo, you know my dreams!
  • 8. apríla 2006 15:09:47 CEST
    i think that is it for queen jesska
    i dont think we would be seeing any more posts from her.

    shit i will really miss her stories.

    p.s. -- and somebody plz lock this guy rusty and jesskya in a room.let him hav all her love and affection
  • 8. apríla 2006 6:50:50 CEST
    Jessyka, I think you weren't buttfucked nearly enough as a kid. I'll be happy to rectify that problem. if you'd like. (for a small fee, of course.)
  • 8. apríla 2006 1:48:38 CEST
    I'm sorry, but you all present extreme examples. I think that Jessica is right. Women are really more nurturing,more tender in general. I'd like to live in world where women will rule but I can't see the way to do it now.
    to slave nick: Do you have some idea what bdsm is all about?
    • 3 posts
    7. apríla 2006 3:55:04 CEST
    If all females are "Love" and "more nurturing" what about that one crazy bitch that drowned her children?
    • 2 posts
    6. apríla 2006 22:59:08 CEST
    dont want to use a lot of words to such postings: u have totally no idea what bdsm is all about.
  • 4. apríla 2006 10:07:05 CEST
    it's not in your nature to be dominant which is only a male virtue but your going to do it out of kindness and love? by the way in britain are most bloody point in history came with a female head of state who oversaw the enslavment of half the world (not very nuturing)
  • 3. apríla 2006 1:31:35 CEST
    you have serious problems and no idea of bdsm
  • 28. marca 2006 10:13:57 CEST
    JP wrote: will notice that females are (LOVE)....
    JP wrote: ... are more nurturing. It is in their nature to take care of people.

    My question to JP: if it's true what You write then... how can You be strict and severe to men? How can You make them "just useful slaves"?
    It's a contradiction, isn't it?
  • 27. marca 2006 9:15:35 CEST
    i like the way u say submit
    just like toddlers--

    submit to us,submit to us,submit, submit,i am the queen,submit to me
  • 27. marca 2006 9:07:11 CEST
    oh my god
    this jessyka is PATHETIC
    plz find her a psychiatrist
    (and maam wat is ur opinion abt countless females who like being tortured ,by males
    why dont u sing a raga for that too)
  • 27. marca 2006 8:38:55 CEST
    we are slaves, we adore YOU GODDESS, we believe in FEMALE power
    simply i don't think YOU can change the world
    i would like but it's impossible i think