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  • 7. septembra 2006 3:47:07 CEST
    As some of you may have noticed, this past week my website has been down. This has been a result of outside malicious activity from one particular person who obsessively entered my site and exceeded my bandwidth. His activities were tracked and the culprit was identified and noted on my error page. He attempted to mask himself by entering my site through my links posted on many other websites, including

    Though my web host attempted to block him from accessing my site, he used a downloaded program found on the internet which would make him appear as another computer to gain entry into my site. As a result of his fixation, he caused damage to my ability to entertain the rest of you.

    I apologize to everyone, especially my precious Members aka my “Entourage”. My website will be visible again soon, once all his corruption to my server has been corrected.

    Thank you for your understanding, your support and your kind words.

  • 7. septembra 2006 16:55:07 CEST
    Why are there so many people in this world whose only purpose in life is to cause problems for other people?
  • 7. septembra 2006 13:12:24 CEST
    Im sorry to hear that Mistress Sable,and im glad you caught the culprit