enough hide and seek. Just compare the ass on http://www.freewebs.com/jessicapowerrules/power2.html with the one in the background on http://www.freewebs.com/jessicapowerrules/slave88.html...
It's doubtfull that she has got her own professionally lightened and taken photo published as poster. If this would be her real ass, she would not use a small area of these photos enlarged on http://www.freewebs.com/jessicapowerrules/power2.html - she would use the original photo, but she doesn't do, as we can see the picture's pixel. It's not very sharp. - She has taken a photo of this poster and wants to make us believing that this is her real ass... tz,tz,tz... nice try, I'm in media business, you cannot betray me that easy...
Moreover why do you expect that jessykapower - with her opinion of men as being worthless - would dedicate "Webslave88" his own page on her website?
There are only two options:
First: It's her beloved boyfriend and thatfor deserves her honour by being that.
But in this case she betrays all women with her "plans for future" and her opinion on men. You can't take her as leader, if she doesn't know what she wants. - A boyfriend or a slave?
I've thought that you told us: I am not in role play... remember?
Haha, that's it.
Second: Webslave88 actually is jessykapower and has had much fun on submissive men. I think in this case we shouldn't respect jessykapower either.
I've had my fun with her, and I've checked her great mind of a leader.
I must say jessyka isn't very brainy.
After I've realized that she wouldn't tell me more about her problems. - Or not the obviously truth. - I've started a gameplay with her - just to try out what she believes an what not.
So I began to play the submissive Lady. She believed and even gave me a slave number on request. Check your slaves better the next time.
Than she wanted me to write articles for her. It was weekend and I had not much to do this time and so I wrote some articles. I'm writing quickly and it was quite fun to make unlogical things sound logical. It was a nice lesson about manipluating propaganda.
This is what I wrote:
http://www.dprincess.com/shoot.html (1)
http://www.dprincess.com/God.html (2)
http://www.dprincess.com/rap.html (1)
These articles are manipulating and hide parts of the facts, they aren't objective in any way and were taken by her word by word. She didn't edit anything. Perhaps her brain is too small thatfor. - Or this is really the sick opinion of jessykapower.
But what I want to say:
Many, many slaves for a long time, but four of seven articles on her homepage are my work? Well, this is bad, jessy.
Slaves of jessykapower, don't stay owned! She lies and betrays (by telling about her slaves, too) and a God is a perfectindividual. Perfection excludes the need of lies to achieve a plan.
So well, jessy, it was a great game and you dind't see.
But then I've tried to have fun:
Jessykapower has already written that she was surprised how I am able to have as many slaves. And asked me If I would also have phone-sessions. Well I don't, because of lack of time, but I told her: "My Goddess, I'm no woman, I'm a man!"
It's unbelievable, this sissy believed me again:"Of course, I knew it all the time!"
Hahaha - why did she ask if I contact my slaves via phone?
Jessy, you are stupid. I could have told you that I am a speaking cup of coffe - you would have believed this.
Please, submissive men, don't follow the stupidest goddess ever on earth!
Well I've had my fun and will now get many hate notes from her, because she can't do anything than telling lies about me. Or do you have any important and valid data form me, stupid goddess of mental illness? Haha - you didn't even manage this.
Because of my personal situation and my own business starting I will have to close my account tonight, but I want to have some fun about the reactions... Well, hurry up, cutie, because your mails are defined as spam and soon I will be out of your glorious life.
I just want to say that I use the power to end this as my personal victory!
I'll end our little game and you don't have the power to stop me. How ironic...
Now come on, scream, shout, feel humiliated... I've already fucked you, my dear.
You trust your enemies too quickly, this makes you weak, a goddess isn't weak...
It was nice to kick your ass, you SCUM.
Katharina - signing off.
PS: I expect jessyka'the stupid'power trying to fake my account. So if there will be another katharina80... It's not me.