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  • 27. októbra 2006 19:00:01 CEST
    I can't imagine Mistress Natasha Strange (or any other world wide known and respected Professional Mistress) to stay in front of Her computer , trying to cheat in the Top on some website, by using those tehniques you talk about.

    It's ridiculous, absurd .. I'm sure She does not know those cheating tehniques. She is a Pro Domme, not a hacker.
    Her schedule is too busy, She has much more important things to do than cheating on this top. Her time is too precious to be spended in this silly way. Come on guys .. be reasonable.

    Plus, what She could get by cheating? What's the point?!?! There's no money, there are no prices. Advertisment maybe?
    She has enough advertisment.

    p.s. I can't rule out the possibility that some admirers cheat to see their favourite Mistresses being on top. But we cannot throw the guilt upon the Mistresses.

    What about Mistress Alexandra? Nobody finds her suspicious? There's a huge distance from her to number 3. I've never seen a message about her. What about the Mistresses that won in the past, gaining soo many points?
  • 25. októbra 2006 0:20:00 CEST
    Princess Natasha has claimed me, i am Hers to do with as She will (and, girl, does She ever!) and She hasd truely made me Her slave in every i may be biased, but...

    i do not believe She hasd cheated on posting votes. She has neither the time nor inclination. One (or more, for there are SO many of Her devotees out there) may be taking liberties wit h the system, but it is obvious that this is nothing new. At least one other domme has had a truely, um, unbelievable number of votes in a month.

    It is immaterial. i vote for Princess as much as is allowed (being too stupid to know how to cheat) and that is really all that is im,portant...that She knows i am thinking of Her, and in the right way, all the time.

    She is wonderful, Her new space is wonderful, Her ability to hypnotize me and use Nova Pro on me to bind me tighter to Her apron strings (or my apron strings) and make me admit to the world i am a sissy, and Her sissy, is all that matters.

    • 33 posts
    24. októbra 2006 22:01:58 CEST
    At first about Mistresses world chart. Thank you to cheatercheater, yes our search bring us to very similar results, no doubt that some mistresses, or some people (to be honest we cant know for sure that mistresses in person have smething to do with all this) tried to cheat our chart.
    From first november when will be made a new reset we are going to make some more changes, but...for some logical reasons i am not going to explain now what kind of security steps we have prepared :-)

    We are appologize that our chart seems to be not fair because of two or 3 listings, its a pity. But at least, we are glad that it is worth for some extra effort to be in first position in our chart...

    Now i would like to comment user petersubmale...
    Well, at first, the most important thing : yes it WOULD BE outrageous IF we would put our logo to ANY picture which is not our. And.. we NEVER did things like this. NEVER. It was not OUR logo to those mistress picture, i am sure you just simple dont watch it carefully. We found info about this mistress in one czech femdom site, and they put their logo to all pics which they promote...
    We dont made any changes, just select infos, and we thought that its just good for any professional mistress if people can find info about her in more places.

    We recieved an email from mistress de la Cruel, that she dont want to be a part of our chart, so of course we removed her listing... and we are appologize for any troubles we made with this...

  • 24. októbra 2006 17:52:43 CEST
    Hello all,
    I just recently found out, that My Mistresses (Madame de la photo has been used in your chart, without ever noticing Her, and even worse, you are putting your logo on it! In my opinion, thats outrageos, and She is also very angry about it! She wrote to the admin yesterday withouth getting an answer. Also, you list Her in Czech Rep., even though She relocated to Germany. I believe that this problem will be solved soon!
  • 23. októbra 2006 20:51:28 CEST
    There are several techniques which can be used cheat, as described below. Many people cheat and it has been going on for a long time. Please don\'t blame the Mistresses, as the cheating is likely done by loyal followers like me.

    Cheating techniques include
    1. Submitting an altered form (now disabled)
    2. Creating bogus users
    3. Using http proxies
    4. Using automatic reloading in Firefox

    None of these techniques require \"programming\" or technical sophistication. The single most important countermeasure suggested below is to change voting from once per hour to ONCE PER DAY.

    1. Submitting an altered form (now disabled) - Until recently, you could go the the voting page, save it on your hard drive, edit a value attribute of the select pulldown to have ANY VALUE you like, change the form action to have the full url, and submit it. This allowed you to add (or subtract) an arbitray amount to any vote total. The admins started value checking after someone added 50,000 points to the vote total of Natasha Strange.

    2. Creating bogus users - At registration, they ask for a valid email address, but they do not check it. It is therefore trivial to create as many users as you like. The admin should validate a new user my sending a confirmation email which contains a link to activate the registration. Of course, one can always create dummy email addresses on gmail or hotmail, but that means more work for the cheater.

    3. Using http proxies (anonymizers) - checks the ip adress when you vote and doesn\'t allow you to use it again for an hour. If you have created a bunch of bogus users, you can get around the ip barrier by using an proxy website, which presents a different ip address to To get a list of proxies, type \"http proxy\" into Google. The admin could keep a list of proxy ip addresses and start disallowing voting from those ip addresses.

    4. Using automatic reloading - If you use the Firefox browser, you can get an addon called \"Reload Every\". Then you vote for your favorite Mistress, right-click, select 5 minutes as the reload interval, and go about your business. Every five minutes, the vote will be resubmitted, keeping your session alive. Once an hour, the vote is recorded. This allows an individual\'s computer to vote 24 times a day, yielding 120 points. If you multiply this by bogus users on http proxies, the point total can be large. To shut this down, the admins should allow a user/ipaddress to vote ONCE PER DAY rather than once an hour. This is the single most important countermeasure they can implement.

    Hope this helps!

  • 20. októbra 2006 20:20:38 CEST
    I wrote a message here for two days ago, and have not see any reaction from the admir. I wrote about cheating and do it again. Since i dont see any reaction and hear anything from the admir. I have stop still myself the question about cheathing or not, for mee is that clear Natash Strange have to do that since she get all this points so fast. And about proxy cheating i know about this, but why have competition like this if it not shall be fair. Then its only a joke. And its not fair for the another Mistresses, ho mybee belive this is a fair play. So i hope it will be a reaction from the admir soon. Thank you
  • 20. októbra 2006 9:28:29 CEST
    I wonder why other mistresses still keep a hope to win the super cheater Natasha Strange. Could you see how much points she got since yesterday? Can you see the reaction of the team on this? So my advice to you, just forget about the idea to win her or use her way to win.
  • 20. októbra 2006 0:36:24 CEST
    You can set up anonymous proxies to vote which is what she is doing.

    Syndi's comment about having so many fans? I went to her forum and yahoo group. Only 3 or 4 people ever participate in anything, so I don't buy that 1100 or 1900 people are voting for her.

  • 19. októbra 2006 12:32:22 CEST
    It is really cool Ntasha strange get every day 1000 points.... Nice cheater... and she wanted to pee on the common rules there... Hahaha... Poor board.. can't protect themselves from cheaters...
  • 19. októbra 2006 9:20:08 CEST
  • 19. októbra 2006 9:01:17 CEST
    There is somebody who can explain me how Natasha Strange can get more then 300 points withing less then 1 hour? Is there another way to win or the cheating is only way for this? I think this place not for the cheaters... and Natasha Strange have to be removed from the list... It seems last penalty for she got for the cheat when could get more then 50000 points less then 2 days couldn't be a good lesson for her.. and she doesn't care about this...and it wouldn't any problem for her to get lot of points in couple days...
  • 18. októbra 2006 20:37:13 CEST
    I have look at the Mistress world Chat. What i see are that special one of the Mistresses, Miss Natasha Strange, there ho also have webpages, and forums get many points very fast, for me it looks very strange. She even get 50000 points once more strange, i dont say that she cheat, but it must be legal to still the question. And what else i have seen are that when some another Mistress, get more points and are ahead, it takes only some few hours and then she are far ahead again strange if you ask me. Thank you
  • 18. októbra 2006 18:32:54 CEST
    It is reeally funny this Mistresses World Chart. Natsha Strange get each hour over 100 points. The board gave her a penalty but it seems she wanted to sh.. on the common rules and doesn't respects the team. It is obvously that she is a cheater. I think the site should think how to protect the voting from any cheaters or write in the rules that there can win only best cheaters.
  • 8. októbra 2006 3:51:23 CEST
    Miss Natasha Strange has a forum on Her website ( that has over 1100 members. Her yahoo group ( has over 1900 members. The World Mistress Chart is discussed on Her forums and many people vote for Her.

    The other day i noticed that she had over 50,000 points, which was obviously the work of a hacker. Hopefully, the admins have closed the hack.
  • 7. októbra 2006 23:21:06 CEST
    PerversePhilosopher, you obviously DO know Princessa, and to know Her is to adore Her. i do not know you, but thank you for your defense of Her, the arguments you present are trenchant.

    If only the rest of you would check out Her site, you would know why we rave about Her. She is one of the few Dommes who has actually, truely, travelled all over the world playing with, training, torturing and enjoying Her many subbies.

    She is the real deal. She is my owner. She deserves your respect. So check Her site out before you dis Her. :->
  • 7. októbra 2006 22:28:04 CEST
    I do not look at the Mistresses World Chart too frequently, so I couldn't realise the sudden huge upgrowing number of points that you guys find suspicious, in the case of Mistress Natasha Strange.

    But I've seen that in the past months the results were similar, every time the Mistress who won attained a huge number of points, not only Mistress Natasha. And I never seen someone being bothered by that.

    Also, what about No2. or No3. in the current chart? And the difference to the following standings .. Why is it this less wierd?

    To WeenMan:
    Belive me bro, Mistress Natasha is a well known World Class Professional Mistress, She has many admirers (I am one of them). Please visit her site when You'll have the time and read it, to get to know Her. And I'm almost sure that She will enrapture You.

  • 7. októbra 2006 19:37:17 CEST
    i must respectfully submit that you have entirely misunderstood what is happening with Natasha Strange. It is obvious that someone has it in for Her and that they hacked the system to give Her 50,000 points, JUST SO SHE WOUL GET BANNED!

    Others have had huge jumps in a short time, and not one whisper has arisen.

    i vote for Her as often as is allowed everyday and personally know of five others that do. That doesn't mean a lot except that slaves are a very, um, private community, and knowing other slaves is unusual.

    Go to the Princessa's site and you will see how many visit Her site.

    You can check out my bonifides by going to sandra in training on Her site.

    Sure i am prejudiced, but that is the way She trained me and i would have it no other way. Be careful who you ban, because the witch hunt could come back and bite YOU!

    By the way, check out the video She made of me.

    sissy sandra
  • 7. októbra 2006 17:37:33 CEST

    1300 points in the 3 days since her ban means she is cheating. The numbers go up predictably with a script. Why does anyone else bother to vote? She needs to be removed from voting contention completely as punishment for cheating. Don't turn a fun site into a reward for cheating. Thank you
    • 2 posts
    7. októbra 2006 2:32:57 CEST
    NAtasha is obviously cheating as over 400 points in half a day is not realistic for a Mistress no one has ever heard of. She wrote an automatic voting script since her vote bomb was taken away. Why do you not ban her?
  • 3. októbra 2006 22:18:37 CEST
    i was see something realy strange at the Mistress World Chart,about the fact that Princess Natasha Strange could get more then 50 000 points less then for 1 hour.
    shes got so many points just for around 40 minutes.
    it is impossible even if all the members of this site voted for her at the same time.
    i think we need to remove her from voting list because she is a cheate.

    Thanx you All
  • 3. októbra 2006 22:12:38 CEST
    • 2 posts
    4. septembra 2006 16:46:32 CEST
    as i promised we got new random generator for choosing pictures in picture of the month pool with memory of last 10 votes so this will guaratee that pictures will not be repeated so often ...
  • 3. septembra 2006 16:28:50 CEST
    please kindly add femdom scat pictures for male toiletslaves like me
  • 2. septembra 2006 18:12:41 CEST
    beware I am getting invitations to invest in dead Nigerians
    • 2 posts
    31. júla 2006 20:49:27 CEST
    well in fact there are more unsatisfied users with system of picture of the month so i decided to do somethink with this ... but its must a w8 for little because now im working on new serching system on users list i will keep you informed about any changes ...
    thx for your intereset