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  • 6. februára 2008 12:27:20 CET
    I have always questioned the top 2 and when Madam Sombsa suddenly appeared with a large number of votes last month I questioned that also.

    Someone else called sidviscious an A;;;; I am aware that he is taking a place in the top 10 and even though he is making a valid point he is forcing a deserving Mistress out of the top 10. Also, I can't believe that his votes are 100% honest. Only Alexandra has been able to add votes so rapidly and no one believes that her votes are honest.

    I thank Lady Lara for her support of Vietdominitrix Cheryl Khan. I have voted hundreds if not thousands of points for Lady Lara over the past year but only if my votes won't put her ahead of my Mistress.

    I see 4 names in the top 10 that belong to Lady Lara. I don't see 2. That bothers me because it forces 3 more deserving Mistresses out of the top 10.

    I have nothing personal against Lady Lara but I am put in a position of criticizing the situation out of frustration and helplessness.

    Perhaps I should not take this so seriously but this is my nature. That is my problem and I am as much a slave to my own nature as I am to my Mistress.

    There is no doubt that I disapprove of the way Mistress Alexandra and Ma accumulate votes and I have questioned Sombsa. Sombsa denies cheating.

    I took this username from Mistress Tigra. When I complained to her in 2006 about the cheating she laughed at the idea that I would waste my time and energy worrying about a stupid poll. Then the top 2 Mistresses, who were American, were disqualified and Vietdomintrix was place first.

    Tigra and a few other Mistresses that I know refused to join the voting list no matter how much I asked.

    Maybe I should listen to their advice.
  • 4. februára 2008 16:45:43 CET
    I am trying to see clear in all of this
    - tigralvr have started a campaign against Lady Lara Victore while actually he is afraid to attack Madam Sombsa and Alesandra personally. If Lady Lara Victore has many entries in the top 10 and other mistresses don't know it, why are you bringing it up? In Lady Lara Victore yahoo club, we have been kindly asked to vote for Viet Dom and not to beat her site by Ebony Lady Lara Herself, which we did. Today, I am truly falling from my chair reading your post. FOR YOUR INFORMATION, LADY LARA HAS ONLY ONE LINK TO HER SITE IN THE TOP 10, THE SECOND ONE WAS NOT ADDED PROPERLY BUT HER FANS HAVE VOTED FOR IT. SO WHAT? WHERE ARE MA AND ALEXANDRA SITES?

    In a letter you send to thousands of people online, you are calling sidvicious an A;;; who is going to finish number 3 or 4 and who is stealing an American Mistresses place, but here in public you just have harsh jealous word for Lady Lara who is not number one! How would you feel if someone came here saying that your know what or that your Mistress is cute but I don't see the Domme in there. Now, your assassination of Lady Lara's name is 10 times worse than that!
    Listen, it is time for me to go back to BDSM and stop fighting about anyone who is successful on the Chart, only on a chart... CONTINUE VOTING FOR THIS MISTRESS, LET THEM LAUGH OR FIGHT; THEY DON'T KNOW THE DIFFERENCE ANYMORE.
  • 4. februára 2008 7:49:39 CET
    Well, we're talking about subs in first place, aren't we? Subs and slaves are as far as I know proud to serve a Mistress and to let her know it. - Including finding a way to vote more than usual in order to keep up the chart-position.

    And I don't believe that there are hundreds of subs so stunned by Miss Sid's butt (sorry anyway ) to cheat him up. It's done by the ones, who find this voting hilarious and Miss Sid funny.
  • 4. februára 2008 5:27:09 CET
    There has been so much written about cheating, who is cheating, methods of cheating and how incapable or uncaring the administration is.

    I, personally, have no proofs but this is not a Court of law. A certain amount of common sense has to prevail. Mistress Alexandra will not relinquish 1st place if she choses to keep it. She has shown the ability to generate as many votes as she needs under all circumstances.

    The fact that there is no formal award doesn't make it any less important to the Mistress or her slaves to have the Mistress do well. Sometimes it's an ego matter.

    I can't help but believe that there are people voting for Sid Viscious who know how to "cheat" There are certainly people who are acting the same way for Ebony Mistress Lara Victore.

    She has never received that many votes before and now she has multiple entries in the top 12. I believe that many of her slaves vote for several of her entries each time they vote.

    There is a concerted effort to place as many Lara Victore entries in the top 10 and that has forced out several Mistresses who are unaware that many spots are being unfairly utilized.

    Every one on the voting list can deny cheating. It is possible that the ones who actually cheat won't tell their Mistress what they are doing but I'm not too sure about that.
  • 4. februára 2008 0:10:47 CET
    I have not cheated, nor do I even know how to cheat on the voting, other than creating a bunch of phony profiles here and voting from each one of them, which I have never done. The reason Mistress Sidvicious has climbed so high so quickly is the same reason Mistress Alexandra gets so many points every month: a lot of people vote for us frequently. That's it. Not exactly rocket science. In my case, people are voting for me not because they think I'm so beautiful (well, maybe that's one of the reasons), but because this has been a lot of fun, voting just to prove how ridiculous it is to take the voting seriously.

    As far as anymore accusations of cheating by or about anyone here, either put up, or shut up. Prove that someone is actually cheating, or be quiet.
  • 3. februára 2008 22:25:22 CET
    It is really getting out of control on this Mistresses World Chart. Looks like Lara Victorie decided to overload the MWC with her presentations. I think all doubles should be removed. It creates a mess and annoys people. What for if for example Mistress Alexandra will create and vote many of accounts? So the all top 10 will be the same person? I think you should take care about this part.
    Thank you
  • 3. februára 2008 16:42:28 CET
    Tigralvr why do you think that Mistress Alexandra is a cheater? Do you have any proofs? Why do you think nobody else can be a first in this list? I think if Mistress Sidvicious launched his profile in the begin of the month he would be a leader by this time. If even Mistress Alexandra votes for him so it means she doesn't takes this voting too seriously... Maybe she like Mistress Sidvicious has a lot of admires or friends here who bring lot of points for her. I contacted to her and have to admit she is a very nice and reasonable person. She is very friendly and interesting woman.
    I can agree with you about that in this voting system should be done some changes but I also believe that even in case the administration will make a super complicated procedure of the voting and protect the system from any kind of cheating there always will be a lot of people who blame the leaders in cheating... maybe in this case they will suspect the administration in corruptions or something else. Believe me it will be like this. There always will be complains and doesn't matter how perfect will be the system. Just accept the fact that there are a lot of jealous people who will find any reason for complain. I also agree with you that a mistress should have only one presentation in MWC. I still can't understand why it is so important for mistresses to be listed and to win here if there is no any award.
    BTW. last time so much attention was given to Mistress Alexandra and Mistress Sidvicious but can't read a lot of complains about Lara Victore because she gets almost as much points last days as Mistress Sidvicious and obviously much more points per day then Mistress Alexandra averagely. Won't say she is a cheater ..maybe she has a lot of slaves here who vote for her.. but who knows.. who knows..
  • 3. februára 2008 16:18:49 CET

    I've always thought it would be impossible to crack the top 3 and you are around 400 points short of that place.

    If you say that you are not cheating and you have not asked anyone to cheat for you, I believe you.

    However you are receiving votes that would total between 9,000 and 12,000 for a full month.

    Alexandra was able to get 10,000 points in July but the totals were extended throught the end of August where she added another 4,000 points.

    I can't imagine that you could ever pass her even if you started at the beginning of a month because she can run up as many votes as she wants.

    More of a problem is Ebony Mistress Lara Victore who has at least 8 entries on the voting list and 5 or 6 in the top 15.

    It makes it impossible for an honest Mistress to get the place she deserves.

    Perhaps the Emperor has no clothing and you have exposed that fact.

    Will they finally change the system?
  • 31. januára 2008 14:58:02 CET
    She probably is not a man. I was just poking fun at an obvious cheater who needs five presentations to be able to vote for herself so many times. And despite all her blatant cheating, she is still nowhere near first, second, or even third place. And meanwhile, in less than a week, Mistress Sidvicious has climbed up into ninth place as I'm writing this, WITHOUT CHEATING! I truly believe that so many people here are voting for Mistress Sidvicious as sort of a protest vote against all the obvious cheating, and to also show how silly and ridiculous it is to whine and gripe about the voting. I would love to see Mistress Sidvicious move right up past all of Lara Victores presentations, and with the help of all the wonderful people on this site, it can be done.
  • 31. januára 2008 12:01:08 CET
    Lara Victore is in 4th, 6th, 9th, 12th and 15th.

    Mistress Sid Viscious is in 10th place.

    Is Lara Victore a man? I don't know but I don't think so. I never met her in the USA and she spends most of her time in Europe.

    Alexandra is in control as always

  • 31. januára 2008 10:02:33 CET
    Sidvicious, I don't think she is a man..but who knows...maybe you are right.. But anyway I think the administration should remove the doubles from the list.. and if some mistress wants to change her presentation the old one should be removed. I think all presentations should go through a moderator and presentations without picture with a face shouldn't be published. Some mistresses do not hesitate to publish more then one presentation even with the same pictures.
    BTW. my congratulations... you are so close to Top 10 :-)
  • 30. januára 2008 16:24:19 CET
    Hey tigralvr, I was just looking at Ebony Mistress Strapon Lady Lara Victores pictures, and after taking a close look, I'm wondering, is "She" really a man? "She" has some pretty manly looking legs on "Her", and that's obviously a wig. Tell the truth, is Lara Victore really a man?
  • 30. januára 2008 14:58:14 CET
    So, she has 5 identities in the top 15 spots, and despite all that blatant cheating, she still is nowhere near first place. Just think how how poorly she would be if she only had one identity. It's really sad, isn't it? Meanwhile, Mistress Sidvicious has shot up on the chart into the top twenty within a few days. Whenever I see that, I laugh out loud. And I know other people here are laughing, too.
  • 30. januára 2008 13:02:37 CET

    She now has 2 in the top 10 and 5 in the top 15.

    I think your comments have spurred her on to squeeze you out of the top 10 as you get closer
  • 28. januára 2008 17:13:42 CET
    Yes, Mistress Alexandra truly got a great sense of humor. And I think that she isn't the only person with a sense of humor here. Most of these people will vote for "Mistress Sidvicious" - And many of the frustrated members, too. This causes the many points as far as I can say.

    I belong to the humorous group and must say that this action is the relief the whole voting-discussion has needed so badly. Perhaps it will even help us to see how senseless the voting is.
  • 28. januára 2008 15:05:52 CET
    Not only is Mistress Alexandra as nice as She is beautiful, she has a great sense of humor, too. I wish more people here would have such a sense of humor, instead of all the nastiness and petty jealousy.

    One of the first things I woujld like to see happen is to get rid of all the extra profiles/presentations. For instance, count up how many Ebony Mistress Strapon Lady Lara Victores are here. She has at least six in the top 100, the last time I counted. And in December, I saw four Madam Sombsa profiles.

    I think I'm going to leave the Mistress Sidvicious profile up for one more month, and see what happens. Who knows, maybe I'll get competition from a few more men? I know it must be hurting a few egos here to see that Mistress Sidvicious has outscored so many other Mistresses in just a few days. It will be fun to see where this all ends up.
  • 28. januára 2008 13:34:12 CET
    Thanks for the info. I disagree with what you are doing, because I take this very seriously, but I have to give you credit for calling it to our attention that this voting scenario has no real controls and can't be held to a high standard.

    Thanks for the insight and the fun.

    Mistress Alexandra can afford to vote for anyone because she has a lock on number one. I wouldn't be surprised if she's responsible for most of your votes.

    Good luck, I just might sent a few votes your way.
  • 28. januára 2008 9:28:44 CET
    Sidvicious, I can't believe Mistress Alexandra votes for you. It is what I call a right strategy of election company when even your competitors vote for you. Cool! Respect! You gain your points in phenomenal speed. Looks like people here get tired from all negative emotions were written about this MWC last time and it is the reason they support you.
    I think the administration should make some changes on MWC. I would suggest to remove all profiles without faces. There are a lot of profiles with pictures of just parts of body ( foot, back, butt so on). I think the main picture in the presentation should be a face. And another things would add more prestige to be listed and win on MWC would be if the pictures of 2 or 3 leaders of the month would be shown up on the front page. Also would be nice to remove all doubles. Many mistresses listed here have more then one presentation.
    Anyway I will continue to vote for you just because I think you are a nice person.
    Have luck!
  • 28. januára 2008 3:58:17 CET
    You're right about the spoof part. I did it just to show how ridiculous all the arguing is about the voting on the Mistress World Chart. And I did indeed prove my point, which is some people here take this stuff WAY too seriously.

    As far as cheating goes, I am not cheating on the voting, nor has anyone contacted me to say they they would cheat on my behalf. Maybe I'm just popular? You've got to admit, I have a nice looking butt.

    As far as the notion that Mistress Alexandra won't let me pass Her, let me inform you that Mistress Alexandra Herself has voted for me. She thinks this is funny, too. Now that you're in on the joke, why don't you throw a few votes my way?
  • 28. januára 2008 0:26:06 CET
    Now you have a man dressed up as a Mistress and calling himself a Mistress. He's getting over 200 points a day. I don't know if there is any cheating invovled but I am sure he wants to prove a point.

    I see that the leader is approaching 5,000 points and won't let Sid Viscious pass her because she won't even let number 2 pass her.

    Can we take this seriously any more?
  • 24. januára 2008 20:53:02 CET
    Hi micha,

    The picture is in the Picture of the Month section.

    I have mailed that information to shotgun already

    Kind regards,

  • 24. januára 2008 13:21:06 CET
    Is this picture posted in the "Picture of the month"-section? There's only one tomek (I think there have been three some time ago), who has no uploaded photo or Album.

    Can you give us/the admins a link?
  • 24. januára 2008 2:50:01 CET
    The offensive Nazi picture I referred to in an earlier post to this list was added by someone with the nickname "tomek"

    Can you PLEASE remove it soon?

    Kind regards,

  • 18. januára 2008 18:23:24 CET
    I´m sorry

    I have any proof, but I can´t be in MWCH more. I do not believe in this . I maybe seem like some stupid woman now, but I really don´t care, what position I have, you can trust me too, I don´t care, who win.
    Bud somethin strange is here and you are inteligent woman, you have to see , or I don´t know , what to say more.
    For me are all 3 woman on the top beautifull, but is true, that nice picture is not all, forgive me.
    Madam Ivana
  • 18. januára 2008 17:53:31 CET
    Madamivana, I have no nothing against of people any of nationality.. I have lot of friends and few of them are Czech people. I think it was not polite and not clever from Madam Sombsa to write that she hates all Russian people... There is already new generation on the world who don't remember this history.
    It is strange.... you say you are so busy with slaves so how you can control if Mistress Alexandra online or not?
    I really don't care who will win in this funny MWC.. I just don't like when people try to claim somebody without having any proof for this... Get real proofs that Mistress Alexandra is a cheater.. and then you can accuse her in cheating... I also don't see anything wrong about if any mistress votes for herself... Didn't you do it whenever... I don't take this MWC seriously.. I even don't need to add my presentation... I have enough things to do... Maybe Mistress Alexandra can afford herself to stay in front of computer all day long... but I have to work... :-) Maybe her slaves provide her sweet life.. so she don't have to work at all? :-) hi hi
    I respect all Mistresses listed on MWC and lot of them deserve to be first on MWC.
    Mistresses who really takes this MWC so seriously please don't envy... Anyway there is no any worth award for the winer... Your slaves adore and love you without this first place...
    Be more tolerant to each other... and try don't insult another people without having strict proof for this