9. mája 2007 17:10:59 CEST
Short story: I could not add my site link in dominask. Or at least, the system did not make it clear to me that the site was already inserted. 1 month later, I realisee that I ended up with 3 listings! I wrote to the webmaster to cancel the 2 others wihout success. This morning I tried to cancel them myself and saw that it will cancel my main site doing well on the chart. Well, pProbably my mail was just lost in their bulk. What "intrigues" me today is that I read something about fraud implicating multiple profiles. I think that having multiple profiles is the only solution is you are in different or multiple D/s paths. But DO NOT ADD YOUR HOMEPAGE IN ALL THOSE DIFFERENT PROFILEs, CAUSE THE SYSTEM WILL INCLUDE THEM AS SEPARATE SITES TO INCLUDE IN THE CHART, ESPECIALLY IF (LIKE ME) YOU HAVE A LINK TO DOMINASK ON YOUR INDEX PAGE OR USE THE MISTRESS PRESENTATION TAG. ALSO careful with the submit button. Even in "links" or "message board", the submit button is quite over SENSITIVE. If your site does well in the chart later, you will not like the idea that someone might loose sleep about your success! Further, if talks about cheating are probably true with one person and not with another one, they still hurt the ones starting them and encourage others. And who wants to deal with that? I did not even know that I could vote for my own site, which would be out of question, not only because it is unfair but because there will be no pleasure in enjoying the votes! It is so easy to get a submissive man to vote. But every day or every hour? Get a life. What surprises me the most is that being a Mistress is such a calling with rewards (compared to other women in the society) that I wonder who gets stressed because X is number one on a Chart! A Mistress must be worshiped as a queen even if she does not have a website. Hello, is Sade home? Nobody is perfect: I am so against the gender cheating ( men or transexual) in the online scene, the cheating is done only when they don't mention it in their title or description, that truly turns my blood purple sometimes! I vomit literally about "these guys faking my gender to lure in great slaves or submissive and f. them up, their wallet... and minds". But I guess I cannot expect dominask to do something about it and holly bull, they worm up here! (No butt, neck visibly corrected, the way they hold strap-ons, sometimes their swollen underwear...). you will not tell me that a normal submissive man will make a male prostitute turned the mistress into a champion site? That is the proof that cheating here truly exist. But who gives it that much importance? It exists everywhere on this planet.