23. októbra 2006 20:51:28 CEST
There are several techniques which can be used cheat, as described below. Many people cheat and it has been going on for a long time. Please don\'t blame the Mistresses, as the cheating is likely done by loyal followers like me.
Cheating techniques include
1. Submitting an altered form (now disabled)
2. Creating bogus users
3. Using http proxies
4. Using automatic reloading in Firefox
None of these techniques require \"programming\" or technical sophistication. The single most important countermeasure suggested below is to change voting from once per hour to ONCE PER DAY.
1. Submitting an altered form (now disabled) - Until recently, you could go the the voting page, save it on your hard drive, edit a value attribute of the select pulldown to have ANY VALUE you like, change the form action to have the full domina.sk url, and submit it. This allowed you to add (or subtract) an arbitray amount to any vote total. The admins started value checking after someone added 50,000 points to the vote total of Natasha Strange.
2. Creating bogus users - At registration, they ask for a valid email address, but they do not check it. It is therefore trivial to create as many domina.sk users as you like. The admin should validate a new user my sending a confirmation email which contains a link to activate the registration. Of course, one can always create dummy email addresses on gmail or hotmail, but that means more work for the cheater.
3. Using http proxies (anonymizers) - domina.sk checks the ip adress when you vote and doesn\'t allow you to use it again for an hour. If you have created a bunch of bogus users, you can get around the ip barrier by using an proxy website, which presents a different ip address to domina.sk. To get a list of proxies, type \"http proxy\" into Google. The admin could keep a list of proxy ip addresses and start disallowing voting from those ip addresses.
4. Using automatic reloading - If you use the Firefox browser, you can get an addon called \"Reload Every\". Then you vote for your favorite Mistress, right-click, select 5 minutes as the reload interval, and go about your business. Every five minutes, the vote will be resubmitted, keeping your session alive. Once an hour, the vote is recorded. This allows an individual\'s computer to vote 24 times a day, yielding 120 points. If you multiply this by bogus users on http proxies, the point total can be large. To shut this down, the admins should allow a user/ipaddress to vote ONCE PER DAY rather than once an hour. This is the single most important countermeasure they can implement.
Hope this helps!